
Tuesday Afternoon Music: Weezer, '(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To'

webevintage11/03/2009 4:42:59 pm PST

re: #47 Irenicum

So apparently the reincarnated V enterprise is starting on ABC tonight and some on the left are saying that it’s got anti Obama code in it. This should be fun. I wonder if orally taitz will “discover” pics of Barack eating hamsters! He’s a space lizard after all!!! aaa!!!

We were watching the old show earlier and I had forgotten about the hamsters.

All I hope is that V is good.
The new shows this season have sucked and with LOST not on until next year and Battlestar gone (and Caprica? where is Caprica?) I’ve got my fingers crossed that I’ll get a scifi fix from it.