
Instapundit: 'Shoeshine Boy' Picture Not Racist

bj1/03/2010 10:10:59 am PST

re: #64 Walter L. Newton

Just because a job brings in a needed income does not mean it is not a job associated with a racial stereotype, it can certainly be both. You need to do a little research in the “image” of black shoe shine “boys” and how they were portrayed in both film and media of the 30’s and 40’s and onward.

You know noting about what you are saying.

I was raised amongst “them”, I know, sonny, and I did my share of demeaning work ‘back then’. I also know the media portrayals and how others choose to use derogatory terms for their fellowman. I didn’t say those were anything to write home about.

I am not uneducated in these matters. I will look at the positive side rather than wallow in the negative continually. <—— that produces nothing but more hate and unrest. It’s time to move forward. I don’t see color in skin tones.