
Wingnut Radio Host Berry On NY Mosque: 'I Hope Somebody Blows It Up'

Renaissance_Man5/28/2010 1:42:44 pm PDT

re: #62 ~Fianna

Ugh. That’s about as funny as Trig jokes are.

The sad thing is that a large chunk of the people that (rightly) complain about Trig jokes are going to find Malia jokes hilarious.

WTH is wrong with a society that takes political disagreements with the parents out on the kids?

You must remember that in the minds of far, far too many, this is not a political disagreement. This is a fight for their very lives. They believe the President and liberals/leftists/bugbears of the day are literally trying to kill them. They are so caught up in the comic book world their cult media has spun for them that they believe that their countrymen are minions and conspirators in a monolithic evil organisation that is actively seeking their destruction.

I wish I was exaggerating, but I’m not. And I wish that these beliefs were limited to a few on the kooky fringe, but that’s not true either any more. They’re still cultists, but they’re no longer fringe.