
The Tea Party's Pyrrhic Delaware Victory

Orange Impostor9/21/2010 2:23:41 pm PDT

Here we go again - Dallas Police Department dealing with yet another “incident” within their ranks. This time its a case of three white officers severely beating a black motorcyclist after a short chase and traffic stop, and officers’ subsequent attempt to cover everything up by tampering with recording material and falsifying reports.

Officers involved in Dallas beating to face criminal charges

The tape that was released Wednesday shows Dallas police officers Paul Gregory Bauer and Kevin Randolph beating motorcyclist Andrew Collins following a brief pursuit. He does not appear to be resisting arrest.

News 8 has learned that there may be as many as five related recordings that are being withheld by the department.

In the video released on Wednesday, one officer is seen striking Collins with a baton five times. The second officer can be seen punching the suspect twice with his fist and then with his knee.

“This won’t be tolerated. Today my expressions to you speak of that intolerance,” [Dallas Police Chief David] Brown told reporters.

Investigators will recommend that Officer Randolph be charged with assault, official oppression and tampering with or fabricating physical evidence. Randolph was fired today for failing probation.

A total of 22 officers showed up where the police pursuit ended in the 4900 block of South Lamar Street. Six officers actually placed their hands on Collins.

A second tape shows Officer Henry Deutsch turning the dash-mounted camera away to obscure what was happening.

Chief Brown said Deutsch; Officer Daniel Malouf; and Officer Robert Kamphouse were also on top of Collins, but no cameras recorded that part of the apprehension.

Officer Bauer will be charged with assault, official oppression and tampering with or fabricating physical evidence.

Unless you really want to be outraged, I’d recommend against reading the comments attached to the story. Keep in mind that the linked site has a fairly detailed registration process for comments, and there is limited anonymity, so likelyhood of trolling is greatly minimized.