
Meet Arkansas GOP State Representative Loy Mauch

What, me worry?11/16/2010 12:42:43 pm PST

re: #41 commadore183

Wow, we’re 145 years removed from the American Civil War, one of the bloodiest (and saddest) wars American soldiers have fought, and there are still social retarders who fantasize about it, who want a return to the evil, bloody racism that has been, will probably forever be, one of the blackest stains on our national fabric (right next to the treatment of the Native American population).

They want blacks/non-whites to be treated like private property (Luap Nor!)! How the fuck are these ideals still living! It should have been buried along with the Confederacy! Yet, the ignoramuses in the South fantasize, no, fetishize, such ideals, like they sit at the computers reading how slaves were treated and stimulate themselves, I bet.

Damn, I can’t keep my thoughts straight now, it’s just so. Fucking. Ridiculous! I do wish these people would just disappear from the national consciousness, ridiculed as they should be, maybe even put into cages at zoos as exhibits. They are just like neo-Nazis.

I worked with a woman who was pining away for the 1950s where you can go anywhere without locking your door, neighbors said, “Hi” to each other, and children were seen and not heard… blah blah blah.

And Blacks could only drink from Black-only drinking fountains, sit in the back of the bus and couldn’t vote. Women had a choice of 3 jobs: waitress, teacher or nurse and #1 priority was keeping the hubby happy and sexed up.

She didn’t like that answer.

Maybe a year or so ago, a nasty little ex-lizard named Kirly went after Charles for rightly shunning this “Andy Griffith” mentality and posted some asinine thing on her blog about how wonderful it would be if we all lived in Mayberry. It is, of course, if you’re white and male, or a woman who doesn’t have a thought in her pretty little head.