
By semi-popular demand: I'm Curious to why any Jew (or the Israeli state!) Would Cozy up to Evangelical Christians.

Interesting Times11/06/2011 7:49:54 pm PST

‘Hitler Was Sent By God’ According To Pastor Involved With Rick Perry Prayer Event

Enter Mike Bickle, head of the unironically named “International House of Prayer”, or IHOP for short. Mr. Bickle was one the pastors deeply involved with Rick Perry’s now infamous prayer event in which Perry prayed for, among other things, the wildfires to be put out even as he slashed the budget for the states’ Forest Service which deals with the majority of these blazes.

Mr. Bickles is not a fan of the Jewish community. For years he has been preaching that those of the Jewish faith that do not convert will be condemned to prison camps (aka concentration camps). The crown jewel of this hysteria is his endorsement of Hitler. Yes, you read that correctly.

From one of Bickles’ sermons:

The Lord says, “I’m going to give all 20 million of the the chance to respond to the Fisherman and I give them grace.” And he says, “And if they don’t respond to grace, I’m going to raise up the hunters.” And the most famous hunter in history is a man named Adolf Hitler.

Got that? Hitler was an agent of the Lord and the Holocaust against the Jews was their own fault for not believing in Christ. Before anyone becomes indignant and insists I’m putting words in Bickles’ mouth, you had better come up with a viable alternate interpretation of his words or don’t waste my time.

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