
Santorum Backer Friess: In My Day, 'Gals' Used Aspirin for Birth Control - Between Their Knees

Nyet2/16/2012 11:00:54 am PST

re: #48 Look At My New Grandbaby!


Violence does not enhance sex. A guy who beats up his partner during sex IS NOT a “better lover” because of it. PETA’s message is “great sex includes crippling injuries.”

How do you figure this? I don’t see such a message in that ad.
Their extended message, going strictly by the content of the ad is: “going vegan will make a male lover extra-virile and energetic; so energetic that he may even accidentally break a wall with her head while fucking her; but she is such a sex zombie that she will still crave more sex, despite wearing a neck brace after the accident”. That’s the entirety of the ad. It doesn’t make violence a necessary component of “great sex”. It’s evil because it says that violence is not a big deal, if it happens, and that “the real woman” will still crave more and more. It doesn’t say that she will crave more because of the violence.