
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

Gus4/02/2012 7:16:09 pm PDT

re: #61 windupbird is in the gravity well

I’ve been to two different gun stores in the portland area, and the tribal difference was amazing

one was run by a old dude who loved crazy ancient firearms, the store was practically a museum of weird WWII curiosities, and the nerd working the counter was really friendly and happy to chat, the whole place was more “zany Oregon” than anything else, advertised and sponsored contests on irreverent radio shows, etc

the other was a gun-cultist sorta place, full of these aggro mean frowny tough guy types who were giving us the hard sell with the worst cliches like we were buying a car, and the air was thick with showoffy posturing and hostility, and all the stupid NRA bumper stickers you can carry

Probably a difference between old school and new school? Back in the day when gun enthusiasts were into it because they loved guns and rifles. The art and craft. The shooting or the hunt. Instead the new school is centered around paranoid delusions of civil strife, self-defense, life and death fantasies. Most of which is negative based. When before it was going to the rifle range it’s now become “get your guns before Obama takes you guns and the civil war begins again!!!!!!!!!!!”