
Libya: US Ambassador, Three Consulate Staff Members Reportedly Killed in Embassy Riot

(((Archangel1)))9/12/2012 7:43:47 am PDT

re: #56 Destro

Courtesy of Wikipedia:
“When Hussein first assumed power, the Assyrian population there numbered 2 million to 2.5 million. Many have fled to neighboring countries such as Jordan and Syria, or have emigrated to Europe and the U.S. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees reports that half a million Iraqi Christians have registered for temporary asylum in Syria..”

And unless you have actively studied the full-fledged history of the Iran-Iraq war, think twice before referring to a well documented historical fact (which wasn’t unique to Iraq, by the way - Iran did the same with the Assyrian populace it had, some of which had fled to the country from Saddam’s Iraq to begin with) as bullshit.