
Wednesday Night Open

Lidane9/12/2012 7:29:30 pm PDT

re: #35 Sheila Brovlofski

You may think that having ANY job is better than being unemployed, but if you take a job that you don’t feel comfortable with, that you really don’t want, YOU WILL HATE IT.

I’d be happy with a job and a paycheck right now, but you’re right. If I don’t really want the job, it will suck. That’s why it won’t bother me if I don’t get the bank position. It was one of those jobs I applied for in the beginning when I was pretty much just casting my net out there wildly.

The software translation company has been great. The two interviews I had were more like conversations with friends. I got along famously with the hiring manager (who I’ll meet in person soon) and with the COO when we talked. I’d love that one, even if the money isn’t the best just because I’d have a chance to help build the Austin office up, I’d get to travel, and the people and work seem interesting.