
IDF Kills Giant Jew-Eating Rabbit

Kenneth1/07/2009 12:05:55 pm PST

Oh lord help us… moonbats!

Toronto: Anti-war protestors enter consulate

Israeli, Jewish women gain entry into consulate in Toronto, chant anti-Israel slogans

Several women entered the Israeli consulate in Toronto and are refusing to leave in protest of the Gaza operation, Ynet learned. The women are apparently Jewish and Israeli.

Due to concerns for the safety of consulate staff, security officers at the site ordered diplomatic officials to enter their rooms and refrain from contact with the women.

Around 6 pm Israel time, a group of eight women, including some Israelis, entered the consulate’s office in protest of the war. Security officers at the mission avoided any kind of physical confrontation with the demonstrators. Meanwhile, anti-war protestors carrying signs slamming Israel’s Gaza operation have been demonstrating outside the building.

According to an initial inquiry, the women were able to gain entry into the secured facility after presenting ID cards indicating they are Israeli or Jewish. Upon entering the consulate, the women sat down on the floor and started chanting anti-Israeli slogans.