
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

ladycatnip5/05/2009 6:33:53 pm PDT

#665 ShanghaiEd

I agree, polls aren’t gospel. The problem is that ID’ers are not just a weird handful of people. They’re a major, steamrolling movement, funded by Republican philanthropists, as a “stealth” way of forcing Creationism into law and public school curricula. I can give you the links to the court case that proved ID and Creationism are the same philosophy with different labels, if you’re interested.

Thanks for the offer, appreciate it. Speaking as a Christian, this “movement” has me outraged. I associate with large numbers of fellow believers and none of them embrace this. I believe personally that God created all things - whether He used evolution or Big Bang or whatever, makes no difference to me, and doesn’t affect my standing with Him. It should be a non-issue, and I’m just sorry it isn’t.

I’ve said on many other threads, the ACLU will stop it dead in its tracks. There’s no way the NEA would put up with this either.