
Video: Interviews with the Beck Fans

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/31/2010 12:52:49 am PDT

re: #678 harlequinade

Not at all. Rational people believe irrational things if said loud enough, often enough, and without a loud and often refutation.

And debate/education has been branded elitist. It’s not for the little people who believe things at a gut level. Once that meme has been loaded, then debate doesn’t work. Because that’s what elitists do.

And look at the debate had, was it yesterday?, about Air America. Liberal media is boring or ranting.

Apply this to a wider subject. The right wing media is controlling the narrative. The left is brow beat. The left doesn’t like it’s man in the white house. He’s not left wing enough etc etc etc.

Yes, programmed irrationality makes rational argument impossible. The more incoherent one is, the more of a point of pride it becomes.

The “dignity” of dunces.