
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

What, me worry?12/23/2009 4:34:35 pm PST

I like this discussion very much!

I’m with Lawhawk on his take of the Mao. It offends me. I like art. I read about art. I haven’t studied art in any academic way, but I like looking at everything. In the end, really, “I don’t know art, but I know what I like” is probably where I’m at.

Modern art is more difficult to understand, of course, particularly what the artist is trying to convey (paintings, plays, whatever). Does one ask, “What is this artist saying?” or do you say, “I like the blue tones. It makes me feel xxxxx.” Is Mao being obviously ridiculed as indicated by the colors (I’m assuming?) and maybe bringing him down to Pop Art Status, or does he represent persecution of millions of people, I don’t care if you put a bow in his hair. Well I guess you can see what I think.

I never understood Warhol anyway. Maybe he’s just a Happy Communist.