
Poll: Was Palin's Resignation a Smart Move?

NukeAtomrod8/19/2009 8:31:26 am PDT

re: #681 Land Shark

I’m one who thinks it was a bad move. It makes her look like she might be a quitter or has something to hide. I understand she and her family took a lot of hits from the media that were nothing more than cheap shots, but that’s the way it is and if she plans to try for a higher national office it only gets worse.

Mind you, I like Sarah Palin but I’m doubting the wisdom of her resignation too.

You’re right. Resigning did do some harm to her political resume. Remaining Governor, when the opposition party was determined to continually trump up disingenuous ethics complaints against her, would also have taken a pollitical toll. She weighed her options and decided the resignation would do less harm. The wisdom of that decision remains to be seen.

And forgive me if I don’t trust the opinions of democrats, liberals and progressives on her future electability. I have this sneaking suspicion that they might be pushing an agenda when they offer an unending stream of unprompted advice.