
Barrett Brown Will Make Fun of Islam for Pageviews

MadJadBad5/07/2010 8:54:24 pm PDT

from the article:
“But this is true of Judaism and Christianity as well (as dictated by their actual, recognized texts, and not the soft-serve version that their respective modern leaders are more inclined to peddle), both of which have expressed themselves in serfdom, slavery, and genocide in past centuries and which did so on the unambiguous orders of the Old Testament,”

“You Christians ought to remember how much religion-prompted killing your co-religionists perpetrated against each other and others (particularly from the 15th to 18th centuries) before the concept of pluralism came around out here in the West”

I always thought this type of argument was pretty lame. If he was talking about sports his argument would sound like this:

Your favorite team was a bunch of losers and cheaters back in the 50’s, so in 2010, even if they are top ranked, they still suck solely because of what they did in the 50’s

That’s his best argument? Well, I’m not convinced.

Didn’t something happen with a SouthPark episode just last week? I heard rumors that fear of retribution was one of the factors.
Reuters: ‘South Park’ airs ‘censored’ episode after threat “they’re going to end up like Theo Van Gogh”