
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

Aceofwhat?5/21/2010 7:38:48 am PDT

re: #670 darthstar

Hey Ace…I know you’re not a bigot…even in jest. These fuckers were white. Yes, it’s disturbing. Shouldn’t we spend a few more minutes feeling disturbed by self-described “Christian” racist killers, rather than simply reassuring ourselves that they’re not as bad as Muslims?

Oh, sure. I had no intention of equivocating…just trying to fill James’ empty point with substance.

Unlike too many in the Muslim world, i’ll shout from the rooftops that these fools pervert everything that Christ stood for and that i’ll stand shoulder-to-shoulder with atheists, other religions, and other races to see them destroyed.

It’s not that i don’t think they’re as bad. It’s that i don’t think they’ll find support and succor within the larger Christian community. But i’ll publicly say whatever i need to in order to set the example for what we wish more Muslims would do in the face of their radicals.