
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

ointmentfly5/05/2009 6:37:07 pm PDT

I’d like to know why is it that the left in the country can have union rednecks and homosexuals under the same tent? How can they have trust funders and food stamp recipients? How can they have African Americans and ex Klan members? Why? Because the MSM does not bring any of the contradictions up. Yet the only things seen by anybody with regard to conservatism or the republican party is Rush or some evangelical church at full bore with holy rollers and speaking in tongues in full effect.

If social liberals and fiscal liberals are in the same tent, why can’t their conservative opposites do the same? How can one be a fiscal conservative and a social liberal? Is that not an oxymoron?

My point is that the left is in control of the press. They are, and have been actively seeking to separate the party. I would say they have done such a good job that conservatives, or so-called conservatives have taken over with the bloodletting.