

Aceofwhat?2/11/2010 9:49:26 am PST

re: #684 jamesfirecat

Okay then, I suppose this in turn brings up the question of, who is the “mechanic” we should hire to make sure that our private sector is a “robust economic engine”?

Because if its a dud, then might we just end up sitting around waiting for a natural recovery that will never come?

(Not trying to play “why is the sky blue?” just trying to make sure we’ve got all the possible angles covered)

It’s a very fair question, but it’s a different one. I was just trying to be precise (i.e. not an “ideologue”…heh) and admit that what works for our economy may not be the right prescription for, say, Benin.

I think that Eastern Europe offers a very interesting example of one way to successfully tune your previously crappy economy into a higher-peformance machine.

Lots of flat taxes over there…