
Tech Note: jQuery 1.6 Installed, All Systems Go

Targetpractice5/03/2011 10:17:07 pm PDT

re: #683 Dark_Falcon

They good news is that line seems to be the minority. Most on the right aren’t crediting Obama, but they are giving the SEALs and CIA the praise deserved. I don’t agree with that myself: While calling Obama’s action one of the “most gutsiest” actions in presidential history, as John Brennen did, is inaccurate. The lion’s share of the credit clearly belongs to the SEALs and the CIA. That having been said, Obama did make the right decisions throughout the process leading up to the raid and he was right to order the raid itself.

Hell, that’s why they’ve got the “He was forced into it” meme going, saying that the only way he’d have gone through with it is if he had no other choice.