
Android KITKAT 4.4 - the Future of Confectionery

Justanotherhuman9/05/2013 1:28:12 am PDT

re: #65 Sol Berdinowitz

Yunno, I like the whole American approach of individualism and questioning the established authorities. But it has gone into a downward spiral that has become a celebration of ignorance, semi-literacy and complete clulessness about our history and how science works.

One that is is manipulated and financed by cynical bastards who know better but need an atmosphere of mass stoopid in order to advance their agenda.

Can you imagine the screwed up minds that some are going to have in Texas where the State is doing massive revisionism to textbooks? As if it’s not already bad enough in education if Jones is any example.

Questioning established authorities is best done in an academic atmosphere, or at least with people who know what the hell they’re talking about, not some uneducated yahoo out to make a buck from the ignorance of others.

The Forer Effect spawns a lot of these frauds. Even famous hoaxer P.T. Barnum achieved respectability over time, serving 2 terms in the CT legislature.