
Wednesday Night Acoustic: Gareth Pearson - Trail of M & Ms (Solo Guitar)

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/25/2013 9:45:34 pm PDT

I know that this was linked earlier, but I think it is worth repeating:

Tenn. Man Says Daughter’s Teacher Promoted ‘Islamic Tolerance’

A Tennessee school district has cancelled some field trips to religious venues after a parent complained that a teacher was pushing “Islamic tolerance” on students.

Mike Conner, 46, of Hendersonville, Tenn., told ABC News that he felt his 14-year-old step daughter’s teacher was intentionally giving Islam a greater emphasis than other religions in her Honors World Studies curriculum. The popular elective at the suburban Nashville school with 1,500 students examines five major world religions but only schedules field trips to two houses of worship – a mosque and a Hindu temple.

“I sent an email to the school principal asking her why they aren’t visiting all five,” Conner said. “She told me, ‘We don’t have the money to go all five.’ If you don’t have the money, why are you going to two? No matter which ones you pick, you’re showing preferential treatment to those two, whichever two it is.”

The school, said it eliminated the field trips to houses of worship because “equal representation in regards to field trips for all religions studied is not feasible,” Sumner County Schools spokesman Jeremy Johnson said in a statement.


Promoting tolerance - oh, the horror.

But what strikes me is how this idea that doing field trips is not feasible for the other three religions. What a load of crap. In fact, you could probably fit all 5 religions in a one day trip, though it’d probably be a long day. Definitely could be done on two optional Saturday afternoon trips.

Maybe there should be no field trips on principle (after all, there are many more than just 5 worldviews out there). But these excuses officials come up with just to cover their asses when in fact they are just cowering in fear of a fundamentalist backlash.