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Killgore Trout2/10/2014 8:44:26 am PST

Cartoon alert! (Drudge siren)
Thousands of Iraqis Protest against Cartoon Insulting Iranian Leader

Thousands of Iraqi people took to the streets in Baghdad to condemn the publication of a cartoon insulting Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei in Iraq’s Al-Sabah Al-Jadid newspaper.

The angry protesters, who had gathered in Baghdad’s Al-Ferdos square, urged the newspaper’s officials to apologize for their insult to the Iranian Supreme Leader.

Secretary-General of Al-Rasali Political Current and Member of Iraq’s Parliament Sheikh Adnan Al-Shahmani, who was taking part in the protest rally, called on the newspaper officials to apologize for their action.

Al-Shahmani also asked the Iraqi Syndicate of Journalists to fulfill its duty to confront such attempts and prevent misuse of the freedom of press for disrespecting Muslim religious leaders.