
Yet Another Highly Misleading GCHQ/NSA Article From the Intercept

CuriousLurker2/18/2014 12:36:53 pm PST

re: #38 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

I really don’t like talking about medical stuff.

Sorry for my absence. Basically, that knock to the head I took has had longer-lasting repurcussions, and at the moment we’re not exactly sure why. The good news is my intracranial pressure is fine. The bad news is I’m getting cluster migraines that are making it a challenge to get through a lot of days. My sense of time is also screwed up right now; I seriously meant to post this like a week ago. I’m also super-depressed, which may be a physical side effect of the whack to the head or it might, y’know, be because of all the pain and stuff. Either way, it makes it weirdly harder to talk to friends than to strangers. The good output of that is I’m still able to get along in my schoolwork well enough.

Anyway. No promises on how much I’ll be around. Wish I could say I’m just okay, but it’s not the case, but nobody thinks I’m in any immediate danger of croaking, but nobody really knows why I’m getting constant headaches, either. We’ll see.

Oh and another piece of good news—my school-provided ACA-compliant insurance isn’t fighting any of the bills even though this was from something that happened out of state. Thanks Obama, I think.

Egad, I had no idea you’d been injured! Would you remind repeating what happened for those of us who don’t know?

It’s good to see you back, even if only temporarily. I hope things improve—after last year’s aneurysm I know only too well how much havoc things that affect your brain can wreak.