
Every Suspected #Ebola Case in the News Has Now Been Cleared: DC, Maryland, Honolulu, Newark, Toronto All Negative

Backwoods Sleuth10/04/2014 12:35:08 pm PDT

re: #67 Rightwingconspirator

Really? Seems his comment falls right in his span. He might be low. Just because the numbers actually are that scary does not mean one supports the click baiters. Some facts will sometimes be on their side.

Really? This is a realistic assertion he made?

Ebola’s got a 15-20% chance of killing you regardless of treatment quality

Regardless of treatment quality?

So witch doctor treatment, evangelical prayer will cure what ails you, or top quality educated medical treatment…it’s all the same?

ETA: I also meant to include third world medical facilities, like in Liberia, in that…