
Acoustic Guitar Excellence: New From Antoine Dufour: "Air Ground"

Dr Lizardo4/19/2017 1:45:17 am PDT

Winter has returned here in Ostrava, albeit rather briefly. Woke up to a bit of snow outside and it’s forecast to snow off-and-on for the rest of the day.

However, the problem comes in that a lot of people have removed their winter tires from their cars and switched to summer tires, which don’t do so good on the snow. As a result, a lot of people have stayed home from work, at least in areas where public transportation isn’t as efficient as in the metropolitan areas. For example, a student of mine, who can’t get out of her driveway. She’s not a happy camper, to say the least.

Here’s a report from local media - it’s in Czech, so you’ll have to run it through GoogleTranslate.