
Another Great Track From Nick Johnston's New Album: "A Cure Promised"

Dangerman3/26/2019 5:58:05 am PDT

re: #65 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Shipping, then fire insurance were the cornerstones of capitalist economies. Without shipping insurance, only a blithering idiot would sail a wooden boat thousands of miles across treacherous waters with the hope of loading cargo and returning in one piece to sell it. Then, once you had warehouses of merchandise, what’s going to happen if the warehouse catches fire? A wise businessman would want some protection against those potential losses.

Mostly, the anti-ACA turdwaffles don’t want to spend their money to benefit other people, even if it means they themselves would suffer, too. In their mashed-peas-for-brains, they see the ACA as a handout to poor (read: not white) people and a remnant of Teh Evil Obummer.

I wonder if a lot of them see it as they themselves won’t get hurt or sick so they don’t need it