
Acoustic Beauty: Daniel Padim, "Flying With White Wings"

Yeah Sure WhatEVs1/04/2021 4:32:02 am PST

re: #66 Nyet

Mentally ill is an option, yes. I noticed how Dunford praised his court appearance, in which he saved the situation (almost irreparably damaged by Powell) in the short term. That is, for all he writes, he remains a professional lawyer capable of handling cases. How is this possible? Either grift or schizophrenia.

I think you’re equating crazy with inability to function. That’s not the case always. My University offered a psych class on geniuses and mental illness, discussing many incredible people throughout history who were cray-cray.

I’m starting to think Musk falls into that category, too.

Right now, it looks to me like Wood is having some kind of episode. What exactly I don’t know, but those tweets are bugnuts fucking crazy.