
Bonus Video From Snarky Puppy: "Shapons Vindaloo" Feat. Väsen

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈2/19/2021 9:57:42 pm PST

re: #63 Dread Pirate Ron

4% to 16% since 1995? BS I was smoking 20% weed in 1973. You don’t get more stoned, you smoke less. Now I have 6 varieties ranging from 27%-33%.

Stronger is better because you use less, but higher THC when CBD is kept low does change the effect. It doesn’t make it scary like the reefer madness crowd claims, but it does make it a less mellow experience. It’s nice to have so many choices at the weed store rather than just getting whatever you can get like in prohibitionist states.