
Judith Hill Brings the Funk: KNKX Studio Session

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/31/2023 12:41:51 am PDT

Yeah, I think I’m going to take anything Roosh V has to say with a “you’re a dipshit” attitude.

‘Democracy is a tool of satan’: The murky world of Orthodox influencers (Euronews, July 31, 2023)

It’s not just him though. A lot of Orthodox Christians are making the same argument. It is important to listen to what influencers say though (no matter how much you might dislike “influencer” as an idea) because prominent and well-known Christians are telling us exactly what they want to do with our government.

Euronews comp
By Joshua Askew • Updated: 31/07/2023 - 09:17

A small, slick contingent of young Orthodox stars are harnessing social media to spread extreme messages around the globe.

“Democracy is a tool of Satan that has been perfected by Jews and their gentile allies in secret societies to take sly control of nations while allowing citizens to feel that they have a choice in the matter, keeping them compliant and dumb.”

These are the written words of Roosh Valizadeh.

In his rampantly anti-Semitic online writings - which parrot the classic line that Jews run the world - the former pickup and alt-right blogger, turned Orthodox zealot, talks about a once Christian West transformed into a state of “Jewish pornographic sewage”.

Alleged national decline is a prominent theme in the American’s writings, believing untold millions in the Western world have sold their “souls for comfort, money, and sex”.
