
National Intelligence Council Nominee: 'What 9/11 Showed is That If We Bomb People, They Bomb Back'

SteveC3/07/2009 8:48:11 am PST

Off Topic - I think I’ve joined an elite blogging fraternity! I got my first hate mail today! :) TWO in one day!

My blog is about Congenital Heart Defects, but someone has been reading my posts on upcoming healthcare reform and they aren’t thrilled that I find the current plans… disturbing. Because I haven’t jumped on the Obamawagon I *MUST* be an asskissing neocon sonofabitch!

And a bunch of troofers object to my post refuting their claim that Heart Defects are simply a nutritional problem, and if you just eat right and take high doses of vitamins, you can forget Cardiac Care and go on your merry way! One day I will understand, but it will be too late, because I will be left lying in the dirt, humbled and crying!

They love me, they really, really love me! :)