
Friday Morning Open

Throbert McGee5/08/2009 11:31:31 am PDT

re: #9 Charles

Speaking of the Devil, on his May 5th radio show, Glenn Beck said: “the government is acting in the role of Lucifer. … The government is the devil.”

From Beck’s site, here’s the (rambling) context of that:

[How] am I supposed to be a good Christian, how am I supposed to better myself if all of my decisions are made for me by the state. If I can only eat these things, if I can only do these things, if I can only have this much money, if I’m forced to share, how does anyone grow spiritually? How do you become Gandhi if everything is decided for you? If this was the plan of salvation, if this is the plan of heaven, if this is God’s plan, why didn’t he just go with Lucifer’s plan of just, I’ll bring every soul back to you, God; you give the glory to me. I’ll make sure. I’m not going to give them any choice. I’ll bring everyone back. Jesus said, no, no, no, no; go down, let them have free will, let them have choice.
Did Jesus say when a man asks for your shirt, you give the government your coat, also, and have the government give that coat to the man? No. The government is a middleman. The government is acting in the role of Lucifer.

In short: Beck says that the Obama gummint is like Lucifer in that Lucifer wanted to force mankind to be good instead of letting mankind have free will.

To which I respond: Huh? So Lucifer was all about forcing people to do the right thing whether they wanted to or not? I wonder if this is Beck’s Mormon theology showing through, or what?