
Photo of the Day: I Fought Nazis, And They Don't Look Like Obama

Max10/30/2010 6:46:52 pm PDT

re: #48 jamesfirecat

I’m not disagreeing with you.

However I do want to pose a question.

Do any of you guys think that anything Jon Stewart/the other presenters said had an Anti-Isreal bias to it?

I can’t say one way or another because I only heard one word in three…

No, he did not, and I never implied that he did. But the type of people that a rally attracts is very telling about its values.

Back in April of 2009, I attended a Tea Party protest. I agreed with their message and I saw no signs of insanity so I attended another one in July, and then came Black September. After the September 12th Taxpayer’s March on Washington, I broke ranks with the Tea Partiers. The racism, Red Scare conspiracy theories, and extreme social conservatism repulsed me right out of the movement. I’m more cautious now about the company that I keep. If these are the people that the “Restoring Sanity” rally (and potentially movement) attract than I say… bub eye!