
And Now, a 17-oz. San Diego Royal Antelope

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/12/2011 4:33:59 am PST

I’ve mentioned here before about how I am becoming increasingly troubled about the path of applied (as in the social/political meaning, not cytological) genetics in our culture, and how genetic racism is rearing its ugly head, even among some well known science bloggers.

Anyway, in concert with that is the ever waiting cadre of under-beings who are just hoping to add to their arsenal of hate.

Yesterday VDARE published an essay by Cooper Sterling (noted lover of Tancredo and the Youth for Western Civilization), who is promoting a book that discusses eugenics and jewry, which essentially argues that Jewry is highly related to eugenics and indeed Jewry has practiced it implicitly and thus the irony of so many academic Jews in decrying eugenics.

It’s all a sordid mess of trying to establish the moral high ground for cultural/racial purity.

The book in question is Jewish Eugenics and perhaps the author did not intend it to be used in the way Cooper Sterling did in his VDARE essay, but as you can see by the 1 lengthy review at Amazon the book has certainly attracted the racial-purity crowd.

The abuse of modern genetic science by racists/xenophobes should not be ignored, and likewise the bubbling up from the abyss of reactionary culture-puritanism is likewise potent, and the two are finding a harmony in certain dark corners of our society.