
Judge Blocks Wisconsin Anti-Union Law

Scottish Dragon3/18/2011 11:30:11 am PDT

From Michelle Malkin’s site:

Can we just get this REVOLUTION started now?!?!?

In spite of the liberal idiocy we all saw years ago (in the form of those weiny little bumper stickers saying “War is not the answer”), the actions of these Constitution-molesting felons prove, as they immutably always do, that..

War IS (ultimately) the (only) answer!

Here is another genius…

I never liked teachers anyway. I know, I know, some of you are teachers, blah, blah, blah.

Well, all I ever had were lazy, Democratic, waiting for Spring Break teachers. Bunch of idiots if you ask me. They never inspired me. My parents inspired me. Not some stupid, lazy teacher waiting for summer break.

I particularly remember this one dumb bat. She was asked who she supported in the primary and she said “Hart or Mondale.” Well, that tells you all you need to know about teachers right there.

Teachers are self-loving, ignorant and lazy. Most of them. Maybe 2% are good. Those are the one’s that are on here.

All those lazy teachers in Wisconsin should be fired, and/or imprisoned!

This is rich…

The rhetoric of the pro-union Left gets disturbingly violent.

Such nice folks.

All in the same thread.