
Overnight Weirdness: Otto and the Electric Eel

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸10/07/2012 11:11:53 pm PDT

so, i was at a street fair today, and there was somebody handing out flyers for a congressional candidate, with a t-shirt with her name on it. the candidate herself was standing a few yards away on the other side of the street. i asked the guy what party she was running in and he said oh, she’s an independant. so i took a look at the brochure and the first item on it was about Helping the Job Creators. i got into an argument with this guy, a small business owner with a dozen or so employees, basically losing my temper and asking him why should we all be asked to kiss the ass of “Job Creators”, like they were superior beings or something - why not talk about Helping Employees? you know the drill - ‘where would you employees be without us Job Creators?” anyway, he ended up calling me a ‘fool’ and a ‘moron’, in so many words

i went over to the candidate and told her that that man over there - he could see me doing this - this man wearing a t-shirt with her name on it, had called me a fool and a moron

so here’s my question: can this asshole take revenge on me for getting him in hot water with the candidate by calling up my company and lying and saying i badmouthed them or something. my company was never discussed the conversation, but i think i might have given him my first name and the name of the company when he asked me what i did for a living…