
CPAC Live Video 1

Sharmuta2/26/2009 9:13:18 pm PST

re: #657 Scion9

That Washington, Madison and their contemporaries showed such magnanimity towards their own slaves that was not required by law was choosing a bad business model out of moral pangs.

You’ll have to excuse me for not having a problem with men treating their underlings with respect and morals. That the law didn’t require it of them speaks more to their nature than it speaks against it.

The original comment I was replying to concerned our Founders and slavery, and to that exact question I tried to share some facts. This is what I’ve read concerning Washington- that he diversified his plantation (including adding America’s first distillery) because of economic need; and he held high ideals about the treatment of all men. Perhaps you’ve heard of or read the letter Washington received from the Quakers. He was deeply concerned about these issues. As was Franklin and both John and Abigail Adams. Quite a few of the Founders were, for there was never a more radical line written than “…all Men are created equal.” Truly- they were revolutionary.