
World Net Daily Still Looking for That Nirth Certifikit

Zimriel4/08/2009 8:13:38 pm PDT

re: #663 OldLineTexan

Every one of them?

How many?

Shall we lock them all up?

Do we need a bigger jail?

IIRC correctly, there used to be a legislation called “the riot act”. If an assembly of people, lawful or not, got too rowdy then a judge would step out with a large cone and read out the act. Then he would step aside and give the crowd a chance to disperse. If they didn’t (and they usually wouldn’t), it was time for the rubber slugs, water cannon and tear gas.

Until it becomes a riot, I’m not sure what the law is for threatening body language. However if the cops felt they could not protect a man’s safety, I’d call that a loss of control, and just cause to whip out the Act.

/but I’m an authoritarian
//well, anti-chaos anyway