
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

Killgore Trout4/09/2010 10:00:21 am PDT

The ‘Full Version’ of The Wikileaks Video Is Missing 30 Minutes of Footage

Wikileaks editor Jullian Assange told CNN yesterday that the 39 minute video is “everything we have. It is a continuous take except for one 20 minute interval.” So, Wikileaks did not edit the video themselves—their source did. But the point still stands: both the “edited” and the “full” version appear to have been selectively edited. Why leave in the second attack after the cut? And how can this be called an “uncut” or “unedited” version—the implication being that this video depicts what “really happened”—when 20 minutes of less-incriminating footage was removed? It also deepens the mystery of Wikileak’s military source: Who is so disgruntled as to not only leak the video, but also edit out the slightest bit of redeeming footage?