
The GOP and Creationism

Salamantis2/23/2009 1:40:40 pm PST

re: #685 thatemailname

Well, if you say you aren’t tearing down conservatives, fine, I’ll have to take you at your word.

And I took the blogger’s point to be not just that Jindal did those things, but that those “things” make him an unacceptable candidate - it is that view from him that I’m disputing.

Doing those things sure as Hell make Jindal an unacceptable candidate to ME! And if he gets the Repub nomination for Prez, these things will, quite justifiably, be heard wall-to-wall, and he will lose so badly it’ll make McGovern’s loss seem close.

And I never claimed the media don’t have a huge effect on elections. What I am saying is that the way to *combat* it is to not accept their view of what is “good” or “bad” in a candidate, and then try to get conservative candidates to conform with that. I think that’s one of the big factors that led to the conservatives’ terrific success in this last presidential election. :)

Fuck that shit. Abusing the coercive power of the state to force the cramming creationist crapola into kids’ trusting young minds in public school science class is as bad as it fucking gets, whether the MSM, Obama, or Satan Himself says it.