
Video: Fights Break Out at Tampa Town Hall

Pianobuff8/07/2009 4:40:24 pm PDT

re: #687 trendsurfer

Maybe you haven’t been paying attention to all the ruckus that’s been going on over Obama’s healthcare proposals? All the RW pundits have been calling it socialism. And screaming about tyranny and how the government is going to euthanize the elderly. Well Medicare is a socialist government program. It works pretty damn well. But according to popular conservative opinion it doesn’t. Yes, it needs more money. But the private insurance industry is fighting tooth and nail to prevent the government from taking any of their healthy policy holders away for a single payer system. Private insurance wants to keep their gravy train running.

What on God’s Green Earth does that have to do with telling a 68 year old that has been putting money involuntarily into Medicare his/her whole life that he/she should not get any return if he/she wants to remain authentically “right wing”.

Let’s finish that conversation first.