
Jonathan Kay: The Tea Party Movement Is Full of Conspiracy Theories

ausador2/10/2010 10:50:50 pm PST

re: #649 Bagua

Of course, which is why there is so much debate on these issues within our society, military, judicial and military. We are a people of laws and humanity. Some of our enemies lack all conscience and humanity, we alternatively agonise over things they would not.

Of course not, do you think our enemies are HUMAN? That they have thoughts and desires and dreams? Don’t be fooled! They are all inhuman automatons who have only one desire, to crush America!

They are in no way human, they have no personal aspirations, no desires, no need for anything except to see America destroyed!!! They are completely unlike any enemy that ant country has ever faced before in the entire history of the world!

That is why we must all give up our own human rights to the government and ignore the protests of the entire rest of the world about our conduct. Because only by become more feared, more casually violent, and more inhuman than the terrorists can we win this battle!
