
Zombie: Anti-Israel Rally in San Francisco

Silhouette1/12/2009 2:19:20 pm PST
A waiter who shocked guests at a Jewish wedding by playing a recording of a crowd chanting in Arabic has pleaded not guilty to felony harassment.

Stephen Buttafuoco, 23, said he was playing the recording for a co-worker and was unaware it was being amplified over a sound system at the Woodbury Jewish Center during the Jan. 4 wedding, his lawyer Tom Spreer said.

Investigators said he made the recording when he attended a rally opposing the Israeli offensive in Gaza, during which protesters chanted, “Allah Akbar,” or “God is great.”

If it was from an anti-Israel rally, I imagine that Allah Akbar was the least offensive thing on the tape.

Long live the intifada? Jews are terroists?