
Mubarak Statement Expected Soon

Killgore Trout2/10/2011 4:51:42 pm PST

Ron Paul tries to get his nuts to behave themselves…..
Dear Friend of Liberty,

Thank you for purchasing your ticket for CPAC, which will be held in Washington, D.C. this coming weekend. It is vital the defenders of liberty have a good showing at the Conference.

C4L’s staff tells me that thousands of individuals from all across the country will be joining us at what I expect to be the best CPAC yet. I am excited about the events, speakers, and discussions Campaign for Liberty is sponsoring in addition to many of those being put on by CPAC itself.

I wanted to take a minute to send this note of thanks to you for investing your time and resources to help make our showing at the Conference the best possible.

I also wanted to convey a personal request to you as you get ready for CPAC. I ask that you please remain respectful of all speakers and presenters as you attend the numerous events throughout the weekend. Though you may have opposing views with some, it is vital we act in a professional manner which builds up our movement.

C4L has been welcomed by CPAC as a sponsor and looks to build upon the success we had last year. I believe how we conduct ourselves at this Conference will help set the tone for how the liberty movement is viewed going forward.

It is precisely because I know you are a dedicated activist that I am asking for your help with this. We must remember that we serve as a continual example of the liberty message.

In some cases, the constitution of our character may be the only Constitution an individual will ever read.

Please read the following information from John Tate regarding specific details for CPAC. You will find the information extremely useful as you make your way to Washington, D.C. and take part in an engaging, uplifting weekend.

I look forward to seeing you at CPAC!

For Liberty,

Ron Paul