
A Scintillating Friday Evening Open Thread

I am smarter than you8/14/2009 8:26:28 pm PDT

re: #654 iceweasel

Fascinating! Yes, I can see that we could move towards a more transformative form of algebra, transcending Western culture. Where the 6 might lie down with the 9, as it were.

I hope you’ll consider some followup work on this. Perhaps “Genital Geometry and Cervical Calculus”?

Geometry offers a great promise for Feminist Mathematics. Take tangents.

You have a line intersecting a circle and sharing a single point in space. The line (obviously the “male”) does not attempt to bisect or otherwise shape-rape the circle (obviously the “female”). Instead, there is a platonic intersection at a single point which neither can claim as an exclusive domain.

Tangents offer a model from which all of mathematics can be recast.

However, I feel strongly that the semiologist community should be engaged to purge the name “tangent” of the word “gent”. Again, phallocentrism stains the sheets, as it were.