
Obama's Jobs Speech, Thread 2

Vicious Babushka9/09/2011 6:31:51 am PDT

re: #684 ggt

But she said she had no idea how she got there and got undressed. Sounds like she was so drunk she blacked-out and turned into Elvira or something. Bizarre.

Maybe in addition to ingesting adult beverages she was also taking some drug like Sonata. That is some crazy shit.

Rarely, after taking this drug, people have gotten out of bed and driven vehicles while not fully awake (“sleep-driving”). People have also sleepwalked, prepared/eaten food, made phone calls, or had sex while not fully awake. Often, these people do not remember these events. This problem can be dangerous to you or to others. If you find out that you have done any of these activities after taking this medication, tell your doctor immediately. Your risk is increased if you use alcohol or other medications that can make you drowsy while taking zaleplon.