
Age of Hooper at the Inauguration

Birth Control Works1/21/2009 9:00:29 pm PST

re: #686 Iron Fist

I’ve never gotten why people seem to think Kennedy was so shit-hot. He fucked up the Bay of Pigs invasion, convinced Khrushchev that he was a pantywaist that could be pushed around, barely survived the Cuban Missile Crisis without getting us nuked, started Vietnam, and then was assassinated. Oh, I left out started the moon project. That one is good, I guess, but the rest of it is just plain awful.

I try to get what I’m missing, but I just can’t see it. The people wanted “Camelot”. Fine, read Once and Future King, don’t try to graft it on to the rotting corpse of a mediocre President who had very few accomplishments. There’s no there there.

I’ve come to the conclusion that there are a lot of people who want a King.
People are trying to do the same thing with the Obamessiah. If anything, they are worse. They really do worship Obama as some god made flesh as surely as the old Roman Emperors were worshipped as gods. It is scary, really.