
'Nirth Certifikit' Kooks Get a Write-Up at Politico

RomanceWritr3/02/2009 4:16:59 pm PST

I’m glad that you take pride in “debunking” Obama’s presidential eligibility problem. I just have 3 questions:

1. Why has Obama spent millions of dollars to prevent the release of his “vault copy” Birth Certificate?

2. Even if Obama was born in Hawaii, isn’t it true that if he was adopted by his mother’s Indonesian husband later on that he became an Indonesian citizen?

3. When a child is adopted, isn’t it true that its birth Certificate is amended to show the adoptive father as the natural father? And wouldn’t the “vault” copy show this?

Don’t bother trying to answer Nos. 2 and 3 above unless you have a logical answer for No. 1