
Glenn Beck Does the Rockefeller Boogie

haakondahl9/02/2009 10:23:21 pm PDT

re: #690 Desert Dog

I don’t agree with the JBS or these other extremists on much if anything at all. I am a rightwinger though. I see a change in direction in this country that disturbs me. Obama got 52% of the vote and he is acting like he got 100%. There is a reason we are seeing an uptick in these paranoid types. Your beloved President Obama is scaring the sh*t out of them. They are not popping up like weeds in June out of thin air.

In the past year we have seen things that most Americans could not or would not believe could happen here in the USA. An economy that has tanked, unemployment reaching Great Depression era levels and an out of control spend happy Federal Government, government takeovers and bailouts of entire sectors of the economy, etc.

Not to make excuses for the loonies and other assorted nutjobs that are suddenly appearing, but the current direction and state of the economy has people scared, angry, anxious and unsure of the future. I would say some of that is justified. I am not ready to sign on to the craziness, but I am ready to get more involved than I ever have to defeat the Democrats and President Obama’s agenda anywhere and everywhere I can.

The President is 100% President, and all the wailing about mandate vs. squeaker doesn’t concern me much; didn’t for Bush either. We have one President at a time.
I don’t much like his team, his policies, or his team’s ideas for the future of the country. Here is the key: I do think that some of these things wind up as a danger to the country, but kookiness and violence are a far greater danger, so I would come down on the President’s side if push came to shove.