
Overnight Open Thread

Aceofwhat?3/04/2010 9:29:12 am PST

re: #676 iceweasel

I’d have agreed with you in a general way about the dems disorganisation— 4 or more years ago.
I’d still agree that the elected Dems don’t march in lockstep.
But you’re wholly ignoring the VERY mobilised, VERY connected, VERY hardworking activist Dems, libs, and progressives that sprang up around 2004. We got Obama elected. We got the Netroots. We got Obama For America, and Organising For America.
We’re not ‘on message’ like the GOP because we have a vastly bigger tent and as you correctly note, the old joke has always been ask 3 libs and get 4 opinions.

But we’re kicking GOP ass still, most especially on the technology count, and don’t dismiss us as ‘lazy’— or even call us “Dems”, because many of us, if not most, don’t even like the Dem Party.

/end Netroots/progressive grassroots network/activism rant.

bigger tent?? WE let the Birchers back into our conference! how’s that for a big tent???

(he says with tears of despair running down his face…)